Aging in place has become a national buzz word. Advocates maintain this arrangement provides a nurturing environment for elders, granting them more personalized attention and privacy than might an institutionalized setting. And reams of information have been published, detailing how this option might best be put into place. However, this outpouring sometimes omits one important thing. Theresidences in which elders settle must not only be kept accessible and free of anything that could cause a fall. They must also be protected against environmental hazards of which radon is a prime example.
The Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today, with only smoking being responsible for more diagnoses of his diseases. And any home, even one that is relatively new, well-sealed and has no basement can have radon trapped within it.
A radioactive gas, it gives no warning signals that it is lurking in home, being both odorless and tasteless. It evolves from the natural decay of uranium that is found in virtually all soil and pushes its way up through the ground and into your house through cracks in the foundation, and various other entrance points.
However, you can protect yourself against radon. The EPA has devised a Radon Zone Map that points out radon hot zones, where home owners might need to be particularly vigilant. And a radon professional who can test your home for this gas and help you remove it from your home if a problem is detected.
Radon reduction systems are not too costly and can reduce levels in your home by up to 99%. Even very high levels can be reduced to acceptable levels.
For more information about aging at home and keeping elders safe you can purchase Rounding the Circle of Love: Growing Up As She Grows Old from Amazon.