I’ve got something to tell you that you may not believe, a few years ago I wouldn’t have believed it myself.

While traveling my own journey to self discovery, I have had to face some demons, overcome some challenges and shift my mindset from one of despair to one of awareness.  While learning how to master my own mind and transform from the person I was into the person I am, I have been blessed to learn from mentors who have changed everything I thought I knew about life and turned it on it’s ear.

This A-HA moment came for me when a friend introduced me to the work of best selling author Barbara Stanny.  Not only did I discover I was indeed an underearner, I discovered WHY.

After reading her book “Overcoming Underearning” and listening to the audio cd, I had a powerful paradigm shift (and a very personal one.)  The shift I experienced changed the perception I had about money from childhood, and gave me an entirely new perspective… not only about money, but about WHY I felt the way I felt about it.


This was so powerful for me, I was inspired to reach out to Barbara and invite her on my show “The Journey” and was over the moon excited when she accepted.

In this powerful hour long interview, Barbara shares her priceless wisdom with my listeners, and I share a very personal experience and breakthrough a powerful paradigm that held me hostage for years.

You can listen to the entire interview right here.



Chances are you may be an underearner too…. the cool thing is you can change it.  You must unlearn what you were conditioned to believe, and a great first step is to get this powerful book and get ready to overcome underearning and expand your knowledge…. about You. 





You can overcome your money fears, and you can begin today.


Stephanie Kathan