The Opinionated Bitch – On Celebrating American Ignorance
On Celebrating American Ignorance Waiting out the noise of the Trayvon Martin trial verdict seemed prudent in an effort to avoid being emotional. In retrospect, good choice because so much of what I had initially assumed turned out to be dead wrong. I frequently make...
Dancing with the Devil Who Lived Down the Street
Dancing with the Devil Who Lived Down the Street This predator always liked to lead. I always wanted to be invisible after that first time it happened. I wanted to watch you, but I didn’t want you to see what I was up to. I remember sitting in my parents’ living...
Anti-Trafficking Enforcement in U.S. is an Abysmal Failure
Anti-Trafficking Enforcement in U.S. is an Abysmal Failure It’s been over a decade since the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) was passed into law, and a new report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics reveals that astonishingly little...
An Open Letter To The National Rifle Association
An Open Letter To The National Rifle Association Dear NRA Directors and Membership, At some point someone has to stand up to you and tell you enough is enough. I believe I am that someone, though I know I am not alone. You are correct in assuming I am not one of...
Who You Were, Are, and Will Be
Who You Were, Are, and Will Be Self-reflection is something I believe extremely important and often under-utilized. The question I pose is this: Have you taken the time to think about your beliefs and values and then compared them to those you held in your...
How Can We Protect Ourselves from Predators?
How Can We Protect Ourselves from Predators? Review of Predators, Pedophiles, Rapists & Other Sex Offenders: Who They Are, How They Operate, And How We Can Protect Ourselves And Our Children by Anna Salter, Ph.D Dr. Salter received a Master's degree in Child Study...
Is It Possible to Identify a Potential Abuser?
Review of It Happens Every Day: Inside the World of a Sex Crimes D. A. By Robin Sax Robin Sax is an expert on sex crimes against children. She was a Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney who prosecuted offenders for the child sexual assault division. As an...
Knowledge is Power! Protecting Children from Family Sexual Abusers
There is no profile for a family sexual abuser because they can be anyone. They can be charming, loving, good parents, good neighbours, good husbands or brothers or dads. They can be Christians, Buddhists, Muslims or Atheists. They can be talented, gifted, educated,...
Sexual Assault: A Definition
Sexual Assault: A Definition WHAT IS SEXUAL ASSAULT? Sexual assault is a legal term as well as a phrase that pertains to unwanted sexual contact. State laws vary* but the most common phrase used to define sexual assault is “an act of sexual penetration or intrusion...