by Susie Kroll | *Susie Kroll~It's About Your Teen, Columnist
Do You Give Your Child Everything They Need for Back to School? Yes, yes, we all know that the hustle and bustle of “Back to School” is upon us. Television ads for the best deals on computers and folders are everywhere. The promise of giving your child a...
by Susie Kroll | *Susie Kroll~It's About Your Teen, Columnist
Teens: Are Feelings a Disease? I am troubled by what I see on TV. I watched the reunion special for The Real World Las Vegas. While many things said and seen were scary if teens use them as a model for their behavior, one thing struck me, and struck me hard. Two...
by Susie Kroll | Family & Parenting, Self-Love, Surviving Abuse
Who You Were, Are, and Will Be Self-reflection is something I believe extremely important and often under-utilized. The question I pose is this: Have you taken the time to think about your beliefs and values and then compared them to those you held in your...
by Susie Kroll | *Susie Kroll~It's About Your Teen, Columnist
From Email: “What do I need to do to keep myself safe? I’m afraid my partner might get even more abusive if we break up. I don’t like the way this relationship is going, but I don’t know what to do.” When you call a Domestic Violence or...
by Susie Kroll | *Susie Kroll~It's About Your Teen, Columnist, Films & TV
What can I say about MTV? This station is somewhat of an enigma for me. I will admit to watching a few shows, yes, they are entertaining for me. As an advocate for Teen Dating Violence, I find myself watching more of the shows that I wouldn’t have ever given the time...