by Carol Baker | *The Opinionated Bitch ~ Carol Baker, Columnist, Faith & God, Family & Parenting, Government & Politics, Justice & Help, Life Lessons, Relationships, Religion
Each year, I offer my Father’s Day greetings with photos and stories and life lessons from my father. This Father’s Day is different because I met a man who taught me about a father’s love in a way I’d never before considered. In April of this year I took my first...
by Kathryn Mann | Children's Health, Emotional & Mental Health, Family & Parenting, Feel Good, Health, Mind & Body
Trapped in Her Body, Autistic Girl Suddenly Speaks Are you actually using your voice? If there is one thing that the internet has an abundance of, it is uplifting or inspiring videos. Every day I see one of my friends post a YouTube link on Facebook that falls into...
by Joy Mali | Children's Health, Family & Parenting
7 Ways to Keep Your Kids Away from Seasonal Allergies For some kids change in season is not all about change in fashionable wardrobe or vacation—it signals the start of seasonal allergies. Kids can be even more vulnerable to allergy than adults. Immunity of kids is...
by Millie Rainer | Family & Parenting
6 Tips on Dressing Your Kids in Style One of the best parts of bring up children is dressing them up in cute outfits. As soon as women discover that they’re going to have a sweet little bundle of joy in their arms, they begin daydreaming about adorning them in...
by Korie Cantor | Family & Parenting, Spirituality
A Guide on Instilling Spirituality in Children Spirituality is the deep connection we feel with something bigger than ourselves. It is the realization that we are part of a bigger picture and form a small slice of a more meaningful whole. Many look upon...
by Alessandra Sagredo | *Spiritual Hedonist ~ Alessandra Sagredo, Career, Business & Money, Family & Parenting, Self-Love
Breaking the Mold of Motherhood I can still see the look of shock on an acquaintance’s face when they discovered I was a mother. “Where is your son?” they asked me, quizzically… seeming completely confused by the fact that no toys lined my...