yogaDo You Live in the Before or the After?

I was laying on my mat at the end of a 90 minute Yoga class today when my yoga instructor made reference to “look how far I’ve come” in 10 months with my yoga poses considering my spine issues. (L5-S1 back fusion in 1982 and 4 levels of bone removed from my neck in 2011)


It made me think about Before and After…

  • Before I use to be the only one in class sitting UP while everyone else was bent backwards laying on their mats.
  • Before I could not look up at the ceiling while in the standing position (my cervical spine could not do that).
  • Before I could not grab my ankles while laying face down on the mat to arch up into a back extension.

The AFTER’S are where I am now. I live in the After’s and only remember the before’s.

Below is how I wish everyone would LIVE….in the After’s.

  • After you start a fitness program….LOOK where you are now & how far you’ve come.
  • After you live with a good nutrition program…..LOOK at your appearance and how you feel.
  • After you are consistent with something, anything… LOOK WHERE YOU ARE NOW!

You can apply, “LIVE in the AFTER’S” to every chapter of your life.

STOP living in the Before’s! Move forward and make all your Before’s memories.
