by Korie Cantor | Family & Parenting, Spirituality
A Guide on Instilling Spirituality in Children Spirituality is the deep connection we feel with something bigger than ourselves. It is the realization that we are part of a bigger picture and form a small slice of a more meaningful whole. Many look upon...
by Alessandra Sagredo | *Spiritual Hedonist ~ Alessandra Sagredo, Career, Business & Money, Family & Parenting, Self-Love
Breaking the Mold of Motherhood I can still see the look of shock on an acquaintance’s face when they discovered I was a mother. “Where is your son?” they asked me, quizzically… seeming completely confused by the fact that no toys lined my...
by Kate Reid | Emotional & Mental Health, Surviving Abuse
The Power of Forgiveness – It’s Better for You than Them It is much easier to hold a grudge, get angry, seek revenge, self-medicate or self-harm, than it is to forgive. Whatever hand abuse has tainted our life with, (we don’t get to choose how it is...
by Sharon Greenthal | *Midlife Musings ~ Sharon Greenthal, Columnist, Life Lessons
Karma – What Goes Around, Comes Around Karma. I learned about it a long time ago when I was in college from a co-worker who, when I told her I had been let go from my job after refusing my boss’s inappropriate sexual advances said of him, “what goes around,...
by Susie Kroll | *Susie Kroll~It's About Your Teen, Columnist
Do You Give Your Child Everything They Need for Back to School? Yes, yes, we all know that the hustle and bustle of “Back to School” is upon us. Television ads for the best deals on computers and folders are everywhere. The promise of giving your child a...