by Nancy Meryl | *Medium Nancy Meryl, Columnist, Love & Romance, Relationships
What Happens When the Truth Isn’t the Truth? On a cold winter’s day, holding a hot chocolate, I was leaving the library when I came across two elderly people in the parking lot. I began to observe their responses toward one another. Clearly they must...
by Nancy Meryl | *Medium Nancy Meryl, Columnist, Emotional & Mental Health, Life Lessons, Relationships
Never Try Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes! Never try walking in someone else’s shoes. Huge mistake. You don’t know how they will fit. Try and learn compassion even if there are dark clouds overhead. Try and believe what you believe, but have an open...
by Nancy Meryl | *Medium Nancy Meryl, Columnist, Dying & Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), Spirituality
Can We Speak With Animals When They Cross Over? Do you think we are able to communicate with our pets when they leave our physical plane? Stop for a moment and think. We are able to communicate with people. People and animals that have crossed over give images that...
by Nancy Meryl | *Medium Nancy Meryl, Columnist, Emotional & Mental Health, Life Lessons
…once said, it’s a students questions they address not their answers they reply. A wise teacher once said, “We know our students not by their answers but by the questions they ask.” When we were young and in high school, many of us pondered...
by ThePajamaThief | Emotional & Mental Health
FACING THE FEAR: THE THINGS THAT SCARE ME – DAY 1 In Vicki Ableson’s second 30 Day Writing Challenge, we are supposed to write about what scares us. This is going to be an interesting 30 days. I wonder if I need to put Dr. Kay back on speed-dial? ~*~...