by Bonnie Sludikoff | Emotional & Mental Health, Mind & Body, Surviving Abuse
Waiting for Life to Begin. Again. Once I was 14, and I thought the world was over right when it was supposed to begin. I had held out for three years, waiting for help that never came. And then I gave up. I started sleeping with the light on. I stopped sleeping. I...
by Lisa Thomas | Emotional & Mental Health, Life Lessons, Overcoming Addiction
Seven Keys to Overcoming Adversity Adversity is like a hurricane. It destroys everything in its path except that which is indestructible, leaving us with the ability to see the truth about ourselves. Adversity defines what we are really made of. It can make you...
by Nancy Meryl | *Medium Nancy Meryl, Columnist, Emotional & Mental Health, Life Lessons, Relationships
Never Try Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes! Never try walking in someone else’s shoes. Huge mistake. You don’t know how they will fit. Try and learn compassion even if there are dark clouds overhead. Try and believe what you believe, but have an open...
by Vanessa Codorniu | Emotional & Mental Health, Healing from Grief
8 Ways to Let Go Sometimes when things come to an end, we feel more than slightly lost. When a relationship, friendship or job ends it could seem to crash our world. Our blood, sweat, tears, hopes and often life-long dreams seemed to be shattered. Other times the...
by Carla Goddard | Mind & Body
A “Doable” Plan To Create Your Vision into Reality Are you standing at the cross roads of life wondering where you are supposed to go? Confused about even what your vision or plan is? Is it truly possible to go from a lost soul to become a visionary...