by Nancy Meryl | *Medium Nancy Meryl, Columnist, Emotional & Mental Health, Life Lessons, Relationships
Never Try Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes! Never try walking in someone else’s shoes. Huge mistake. You don’t know how they will fit. Try and learn compassion even if there are dark clouds overhead. Try and believe what you believe, but have an open...
by Suanne Rieker | Life Lessons, Mind & Body, Yoga & Mindfulness
Do You Live in the Before or the After? I was laying on my mat at the end of a 90 minute Yoga class today when my yoga instructor made reference to “look how far I’ve come” in 10 months with my yoga poses considering my spine issues. (L5-S1 back fusion in 1982 and 4...
by Suanne Rieker | Diet & Weight Loss, Mind & Body
FAT is Fat right? BABY FAT? Whaaaaaat the heck. Have you ever heard this? You GAIN (a lot of) weight when you’re PREGO and then it takes forever to lose it. (unless it falls off you the second that kid comes out) You lose it BUT don’t get “credit” for it. What the...
by Carla Goddard | Health, Mind & Body
A reader of Here Women Talk asked about Auric Fields and the defects that cause disharmony and disease in the physical body. Here is a brief overview. The human energy field is made up of two major parts – the auric field and the energy (chakra) matrix. The auric...
by Chelsea Roff | Health, Yoga & Mindfulness
How many times have you heard the phrase, “I can’t do yoga because (insert denigrating phrase about one’s body here)”? My belly is too big, my muscles are too tight, I’m not strong enough… the list goes on and on. Who ever decided you have to be strong, fit, or...