How to post a blog

To post a blog:

Register to blog HERE.

Once registered, log-in to post at

  • A new window will open that says “Add New Post”
  • Enter Title
  • Beneath that, add your content
  • IMPORTANT: On right side of screen, choose category where your post should appear (otherwise it’ll post under “miscellaneous,” making it hard to find). Please,  LIMIT: 3 Categories
  • Lower right side, under “Post Tags”, type in key words (to help search engines find your post). Separate key words with commas.
  • Upper right side, in the “Publish” section, choose

Save Draft, or
Preview, or
Submit for Review

To insert the featured image (Authors can add images; contributors won’t see this option. If you want author status, please email [email protected].)

  1. When you add a post, directly under the “Enter title here” box, you’ll see the words “Upload/Insert” and to the right of those words you’ll see a little rectangular box. When you put your mouse over that box, it says, “Add an image.”
  2. Click on that rectangular box (as shown circled in the above image)
  3. A new window opens up that says, “Add an image.”  And below that it says “From Computer …From URL … Media Library”
  4. Choose your source for your photo or Click on Media Library
  5. Choose your photo
  6. Scroll about halfway down that window and you’ll see
  7. Alignment
  8. Then
  9. Size … and to the right you’ll see: Use as featured image
  10. Click on Use as featured image
  11. Then scroll to the bottom and click on Save all Changes

For more detailed instructions,

HERE you’ll find more in-depth tutorials.

Wonder how to post a video? Learn how at THIS LINK.

For basic posting instructions: