A United Tomorrow

A United Tomorrow

It is time for this nation to go forward to what made us great. The building from with-in. A vision the world once had, of a proud, self reliant and united national society. A nation that looked out for working class, culture building individuals. That embraced...

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What is Hospice? Not a Death Sentence, but a Chance to Live Life Fully

What is Hospice? Not a Death Sentence, but a Chance to Live Life Fully

What is Hospice? Hospice is not a death sentence. It is an opportunity to live life to the fullest until you die. I have been a Hospice volunteer since 1994. It is my passion. To be of service to others in such an important and intense time of life is an honor. The...

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“Sign a Labor Relations Contract With Yourself  & “Say YES To You!”

“Sign a Labor Relations Contract With Yourself & “Say YES To You!”

I remember my Grampa David and my Dad working to come to fair agreements betweenThe Men's Clothing Association and  The Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America (which no longer exists is the same form) and The Hotel Association and The Hotel Trades Council. The goal...

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