by Bobbie Horowitz | *Say YES to YOU! ~ Bobbie Horowitz, Columnist, Mind & Body
Bad News Doesn’t Have To Make Me Feel Bad! I’m going to start this final post for 2013 with the exact same sentence I used to begin last month’s post: “Wow! I keep discovering new things.” As a kid in Brooklyn I was taught by watching the adults around me. It seemed...
by Bobbie Horowitz | *Say YES to YOU! ~ Bobbie Horowitz, Columnist, Career, Business & Money
Are Your Actions Working to Help You Succeed? Wow! I keep discovering new things. When I was a kid I thought people over the age of 65 knew who they were “period end of sentence” (as a friend of mine would say). How wrong I was! Parents often tell kids, “Listen to...
by Bobbie Horowitz | *Say YES to YOU! ~ Bobbie Horowitz, Columnist, Mind & Body
Let Your Star Shine! You ARE a Star It’s my turn to provide the spiritual reading at The Unity Center of New York. We have a wonderful minister -i Justin Epstein – who moved to us from I’m given only a bit over 2 minutes. In doing the research, however, I found...
by Bobbie Horowitz | *Say YES to YOU! ~ Bobbie Horowitz, Columnist, Mind & Body
Use Physical Practices That Help Your Mind! When I was young we were taught that exercise was good for us and relaxed us because concentrating on the dance step – or getting the basket ball into the basket – or putting the golf ball into the hole –...
by Bobbie Horowitz | *Say YES to YOU! ~ Bobbie Horowitz, Columnist, Aging & Anti-Aging, Career, Business & Money, Emotional & Mental Health, Feel Good, Life Lessons, Lifestyles, Organizing Your Life, People, Relationships, Self-Love
Allow Yourself Special Online Chat Minutes I’ve mentioned that answering emails in the morning has been found to take up precious needed time from who tend to nurture others before nurturing themselves. That said, there are moments online that can really add to your...
by Bobbie Horowitz | *Say YES to YOU! ~ Bobbie Horowitz, Columnist, Aging & Anti-Aging, Feel Good, Humor, Relationships, Self-Love
You Can CHOOSE To Be HAPPY ANY TIME! This is very similar to last month’s post about accentuating the positive (Johnny Mercer)- it just goes even further because, I’ve made progress in this area. When I mention seeing “good” in my life right now, I realize I’ve made...