Fifty Shades of Gray Roots

Fifty Shades of Gray Roots

Fifty Shades of Gray Roots Hello…my name is Jane…I’m fifty-eight years old…and…I have…gray hair…I haven’t always been this way…in fact…it was about thirty years ago…that…I noticed the first silvery intruder in my light brown locks… I’d like to say that I am one of...

Anti Aging Secrets – Exercise Tips

Anti Aging Secrets – Exercise Tips As we get older, we start to slow down a bit and our bodies don’t work as well as they did when we were young. Our face however is where the effects of aging are most noticeable. Wrinkles and sag show our age as the force...
Let My Puppies Go

Let My Puppies Go

Let My Puppies Go Most of us were at least in diapers in the 60’s when women in great numbers started to roar.  The night skies were alight with bonfires burning…what else—their bras? But not me.  I had waited way too long to sprout enough to need a bra—how could I...
Say YES To YOU-Allow Yourself Special Online Chat Minutes

Say YES To YOU-Allow Yourself Special Online Chat Minutes

Allow Yourself Special Online Chat Minutes I’ve mentioned that answering emails in the morning has been found to take up precious needed time from who tend to nurture others before nurturing themselves. That said, there are moments online that can really add to your...