Defusing the Enemy
I have not written for quite some time now because life happened. Things came at me fast and furious and I duped myself into believing that I had no time, and that what I had to say in the midst of my storm, was nothing of interest. I repent; I have a change of mind....
How Can We Protect Ourselves from Predators?
How Can We Protect Ourselves from Predators? Review of Predators, Pedophiles, Rapists & Other Sex Offenders: Who They Are, How They Operate, And How We Can Protect Ourselves And Our Children by Anna Salter, Ph.D Dr. Salter received a Master's degree in Child Study...
Is It Possible to Identify a Potential Abuser?
Review of It Happens Every Day: Inside the World of a Sex Crimes D. A. By Robin Sax Robin Sax is an expert on sex crimes against children. She was a Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney who prosecuted offenders for the child sexual assault division. As an...
How Do We Talk To Children About Sexual Abuse?
There is no math formula to teach children to protect themselves from potential abusers. Parents have to take the initiative to discuss the realities of our society's ugly side. Here is a review of a book intended for young children, that may open lines of...
Drugged Up Spirituality?
“Let me apologize to begin with, let me apologize for what I’m about to say. But trying to be genuine was harder than it seemed, and somehow I got caught up in between.” ~ Linkin Park If I had known, in the beginning , that by turning my back on the fuzzy world...
Knowledge is Power! Protecting Children from Family Sexual Abusers
There is no profile for a family sexual abuser because they can be anyone. They can be charming, loving, good parents, good neighbours, good husbands or brothers or dads. They can be Christians, Buddhists, Muslims or Atheists. They can be talented, gifted, educated,...
Powerful Mindset And Steps To Get Over A Breakup
Powerful Mindset And Steps To Get Over A Breakup Why it’s called breakup? Because something in the relationship is broken. Going through the breakup is hard but can’t be avoided. In this article, I will share an important mind set and 7 steps you can take to make the...
Sexual Assault: A Definition
Sexual Assault: A Definition WHAT IS SEXUAL ASSAULT? Sexual assault is a legal term as well as a phrase that pertains to unwanted sexual contact. State laws vary* but the most common phrase used to define sexual assault is “an act of sexual penetration or intrusion...
“Saying “YES” to YOU – May Mean Saying “NO” to Someone Else”
The title of this post is probably the hardest thing I’ll ever have to learn, given who I am. My inner drive is to be a helper. I can’t help it. I was born with that “I AM” in my soul. Believe me, I’m still working on this on a daily basis. If this is somewhat of a...
Should adult adoptees have access to their own records
I did not write this, this is a research paper done by Gina Miller an adult adoptee. But for the record I am also an adult adoptee and I believe we should be allowed to access anything and everything pertaining to how we came into being and our live in general....
I Miss My Sister
I Miss My Sister I miss my sister. Today would have been Loretta's 87th birthday, but we lost her to the hands of an incompetent doctor 9 years ago. Hardly a day goes by that I don't remember something funny she said or we did together. Everyone should have at least...
6 Steps to Manifesting the Divine
I know as many of you, that the Lightworkers, or those who are dedicated to elevation of awareness in themselves and others, are here and awakening. As the Hopi Elders have said: "We are the Ones we have been waiting for." We have everything we need to change our...