by Linda Clevenger | Organizing Your Life
Clearing the Mind Clutter Mind clutter is overwhelming. I’m just arriving back from a Conference with over 500 Entrepreneurs in my industry. I have to say that I was a bit nervous…thinking about how that many “organizers” would act in one place. (Of course, I was...
by Linda Clevenger | Organizing Your Life
5 Tips For Organizing Your Taxes 1. Know your stuff. It is vital to know what kind of information you should be collecting and keeping track of in order to do your taxes. Talk to your accountant, do some research or read best-selling tax books about your specific...
by Linda Clevenger | Organizing Your Life
Stop Chasing Squirrels – Stay Focused Do you see squirrels climbing around in the trees outside the windows, instead of paying attention to what you really should be doing – like checking off the things that are on your To Do List? It is cute to watch them jump...
by Linda Clevenger | Organizing Your Life
Paperwork = Stress! An Easy System is the Answer The amount of paperwork that we receive every day just gets overwhelming and paperwork can cause stress. Paperwork is the hot topic for most every one of my business and home-based business clients. Having a business,...
by Linda Clevenger | Organizing Your Life
Efficient Paper Management Systems Take a peak at the efficiency of your file management system and determine if it is meeting your needs. Are you still spending too much time “looking” for paperwork? Having an efficient File Management System requires an...