Mary Helen McCoy

Mary Helen McCoy

Live online Friday, 11am EST on The Colin Lively Show.

If Hildamae had been your mother you would have learned when, why, and how a porch was a porch one day and a veranda the next. Well, lucky me (kinda), I am the one who got stuck with Hildamae… “Baby Boy, a porch is a porch when the politicians, moonshiners, and scalawags are here. And it’s a veranda when the Tuesday Afternoon Bridge Club or Lilly Parker or the Reverend are visiting.”

For the Porch People, Baby Boy would have to crawl under the bed and roll out a watermelon…BUT, for the Veranda People it was a completely different story: Wild Clover Honey, Mary Flo’s homemade scones, and Whipped Butter.

My guest on this week’s Colin Lively Show would most definitely have been of the Veranda set. Mary Helen McCoy will be dropping by, maybe with a parasol, but no crinolines. Miz Mary Helen (spelled phonetically to insure no embarrassment for Yankee listeners), raised in Birmingham and now living in Charleston, South Carolina is going to take me back to my southern roots and out of this noisy, “too busy” New York City for awhile.

This week at the Colin Lively Schoolhouse, we will learn much about Cotillions, Garden Parties, houses with names like The Oaks filled with great furniture, art, and antiques. If there is someone with more knowledge about Gracious Southern Living, I have certainly not met them…

Except for Hildamae… She knew the rules… She taught me well… And she approves…

Editor’s Note: If you missed the live show, you can listen in archives or download podcast here

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