Better Time Management for Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners have busy schedules. You can often wear every hat in the Company business. You are your own Marketing Expert, Social Media Expert, Blogger, Networker, Project Manager and Manager...and you "run" the business too! And if you...
Drugged Up Spirituality?
“Let me apologize to begin with, let me apologize for what I’m about to say. But trying to be genuine was harder than it seemed, and somehow I got caught up in between.” ~ Linkin Park If I had known, in the beginning , that by turning my back on the fuzzy world...
Knowledge is Power! Protecting Children from Family Sexual Abusers
There is no profile for a family sexual abuser because they can be anyone. They can be charming, loving, good parents, good neighbours, good husbands or brothers or dads. They can be Christians, Buddhists, Muslims or Atheists. They can be talented, gifted, educated,...
Yes (and No)
"yes is a world & in this world of yes live (skillfully curled) all worlds" ~ ee cummings Wouldn't it be great if we only did things that were a real resounding YES like that? Of course, the...
Money And The Sexes!
Money and the Sexes Money! What a complex relationship many of us have with it. Not only is it the source of our survival in the modern world, but we often see it as a measure of self-worth. This is evidenced in our culture by the continual need for the bigger...
Avoid Procrastination | 3 Action Steps
You've heard the buzz words - Procrastination and Overwhelmed. Too much to do in too little time and your list never seems to get done. Well, what if part of the reason that you aren't reaching your goals is that a story that you have made up in your head? I've had...
Powerful Mindset And Steps To Get Over A Breakup
Powerful Mindset And Steps To Get Over A Breakup Why it’s called breakup? Because something in the relationship is broken. Going through the breakup is hard but can’t be avoided. In this article, I will share an important mind set and 7 steps you can take to make the...
Suicide: Have you ever considered taking your own life? I did this weekend
Have you ever contemplated suicide? I did this weekend. This weekend I gave serious thought to doing myself in. I've thought about it before, but this weekend I even looked online for painless ways to kill myself. I don't have the guts to shoot myself, hang myself or...
How Reducing Your Air Conditioning Can Lower Your Energy Bill
This summer may have been one of the wettest on record, but recent years have seen some extreme weather in the UK and concern about the effects of global warming have led many householders to consider installing air conditioning units. Although traditionally...