Have You Always Gotten What You Truly Wanted By Choosing To Think Positively About Getting It?

Have You Always Gotten What You Truly Wanted By Choosing To Think Positively About Getting It?

Some years ago I was blessed to become friends with one of the most brilliant, intuitive humans I’ve met. I’ve taken many seminars and read practically all the books written on the topic of “positive thinking” that were written, beginning with Napolean Hill’s “Think...

An Inspiration – Talking With Celebrity Shoe Designer, Jerome C. Rousseau

An Inspiration – Talking With Celebrity Shoe Designer, Jerome C. Rousseau

For the holidays I wanted to share with you something of beauty and someone who inspires me and makes me smile. My friend, celebrity shoe designer, Jerome C. Rousseau is that man.  I first met this maestro of shoe design two years ago through a mutual friend who knew...