by Stephanie Kathan | Abundance & Law of Attraction, Life Lessons, Spirituality
Is Stress Making a Mess in Your Life? Stress is one of the messiest things when it comes to creating in life. (And you are always creating…. but most don’t realize that they are doing it). When you are stressing out about situations, people, family,...
by Stephanie Kathan | Abundance & Law of Attraction, Life Lessons, Success Stories
Releasing Yourself from The Mind Trap There will always be those who may not celebrate your success…. They have no power unless you get caught up in the Venus Mind Trap. On my journey to deliberate creating, I have discovered that friends and family don’t...
by Stephanie Kathan | Abundance & Law of Attraction
I’ve got something to tell you that you may not believe, a few years ago I wouldn’t have believed it myself. While traveling my own journey to self discovery, I have had to face some demons, overcome some challenges and shift my mindset from one of despair...
by Stephanie Kathan | Abundance & Law of Attraction, Faith & God
When I enjoy my morning coffee – Divine style, I always have the most powerful A Ha moments, as I come to realizations, gaining insight as I discover answers to questions and solutions to problems. Before I go further, let me describe my having coffee with...
by Stephanie Kathan | Abundance & Law of Attraction, Creativity, Life Lessons, Lifestyles, Spirituality, Success Stories
Today I found myself in a situation that had me traveling up the vibrational scale. I started my journey in “completely pissed off”, I made a quick stop in “I want to kick some ass”, I then had a brief layover in “raising my voice”...