by Carol Baker | *The Opinionated Bitch ~ Carol Baker, Columnist, Faith & God, Family & Parenting, Government & Politics, Justice & Help, Life Lessons, Relationships, Religion
Each year, I offer my Father’s Day greetings with photos and stories and life lessons from my father. This Father’s Day is different because I met a man who taught me about a father’s love in a way I’d never before considered. In April of this year I took my first...
by Nancy Meryl | *Medium Nancy Meryl, Columnist, Emotional & Mental Health, Life Lessons, Mind & Body, Relationships, Self-Love
To Forgive and not to Forget that is the Question A plethora of souls have come to me to connect to their loved ones from the other side. Those who have crossed over and those who are in the physical repetitively ask me, “will they forgive me” of course...
by Jeff | Feel Good, Life Lessons, People, Pets, Surviving Abuse
The Fight of the Century You’re probably wondering why a topic like this is appearing here. The “fight of the century” is a tagline that is usually connected to boxing, martial arts, or even politics. It would be fitting time-wise for an article...
by Nancy Meryl | Emotional & Mental Health, Justice & Help, Life Lessons, Mind & Body
Please Stop Texting while Driving Our teenage society has adapted toward keeping in touch with their friends by texting. While technology has advanced in a positive direction its side effects has taken many young lives away. One second of texting has led to accidents...
by Susan Boswell | Etiquette, Life Lessons, Self-Love
11 Days of Christmas: The Gifts of Giving and Receiving Like many of you, I was taught that it’s better to give than to receive. But what does that saying really mean, and why is it that giving is better than receiving? This concept seems unfair and a bit...
by Susan Boswell | Feel Good, Life Lessons
12 Days of Christmas: Home The last few years, I’ve tried to find a few moments of quiet in the hustle and bustle of the holidays to write a 12 Days of Christmas Blog. I occasionally miss my self-imposed deadline for a daily post, but I’ve found the few...