by Tracia Graham | Abundance & Law of Attraction
I’ve noticed that a lot of people are trying to work with the “Law of Attraction” but are frustrated with their results. I’d like to share a story with you to illustrate one of the reasons that it might not be working for you. I began using the “Law of Attraction” as...
by Vanessa Codorniu | Abundance & Law of Attraction, Emotional & Mental Health, Self-Love, Spirituality
I know as many of you, that the Lightworkers, or those who are dedicated to elevation of awareness in themselves and others, are here and awakening. As the Hopi Elders have said: “We are the Ones we have been waiting for.” We have everything we need to...
by Liz Jansen | Life Lessons, Mind & Body, Success Stories
Liz Jansen is an author, speaker, coach, adventurer – and motorcycle aficionado. Motorcycles have much to teach us about life. Take for example, these five lessons on How to Achieve Goals. 1. Set and Focus on Goals. We go where we look. Essentially, our eyes steer the...
by Kay Van Hoesen | Abundance & Law of Attraction, Career, Business & Money, Lesbian-Gay (LGBT), People, Radio, Success Stories
Suzanne Evans: Fat, Gay & Broke to Millionaire: Wed., August 1st 11am EDT “Your checking account tells your story,” says Suzanne Evans. That’s a scary thought, and if it’s true, I’m in deep do-do. Action expert Suzanne Evans,...
by Stephanie Kathan | Abundance & Law of Attraction, Faith & God
When I enjoy my morning coffee – Divine style, I always have the most powerful A Ha moments, as I come to realizations, gaining insight as I discover answers to questions and solutions to problems. Before I go further, let me describe my having coffee with...
by Fawnda Starkes | Art & Entertainment, Justice & Help, Radio, Success Stories
Susan Macaulay, Amazing Women Rock fame, with Molly Cantrell-Kraig from Wed., July 25th 11am EDT Becoming Part of the Solution! The cycle of welfare is one that is hard for anyone to break, especially single women with children. But one...