by ThePajamaThief | Feel Good, Humor, Relationships, Written Word
Out of the Clutter of a Writer’s Mind: I Hate Spiders! I hate spiders! I’ve mentioned that before, haven’t I? Maybe once… or twice? Hate… hate… hate… hate! Tina says that I am being irrational and if I leave them alone, they will leave me alone. Pfffft!...
by Sharon Greenthal | *Midlife Musings ~ Sharon Greenthal, Columnist, Friendships
Five Hundred Lunches and Counting I’ve been having lunch with the same three women nearly every week for the past 12-15 years, depending on which of us you ask. We have all known each other for longer than that, and our lunches began innocuously enough –...
by Laurel Holland | Life Lessons, Relationships, Written Word
What’s In A Name? My blogging life began two years ago as part of my big life transition that involved menopause, remarrying, moving to a new state and an empty nest. Writing became a driving force from within. Words coming from deep inside me, needed to be expressed,...
by Fawnda Starkes | Government & Politics, Justice & Help, Radio
As the GOP was starting to ramp up their political machine earlier this year, Broadsided was joined by Conservative pundit, Tricia Erickson. Now that Willard is the presumptive GOP nominee, Carol and Vicki have invited her back to take a serious look at his beliefs....
by Alasha Bennett | *The Dating Mechanic ~ Alasha Bennett, Columnist, Love & Romance, Overcoming Addiction, Relationships, Self-Love, Surviving Divorce
You may feel a little pressure here! It takes little effort to rattle off a list of reasons why it would be enjoyable to have a partner. In fact if I timed you at 60 seconds I’m positive you could come up with at least 15 benefits of having a partner in your...