by Alasha Bennett | *The Dating Mechanic ~ Alasha Bennett, Columnist, Emotional & Mental Health, Love & Romance, Overcoming Addiction, Relationships, Self-Love, Surviving Divorce
Take a Deep Breath! Being single is NOT a disease nor is it this unshakeable cloud hovering over your doorstep. You don’t have a bull’s-eye on your back or a red X on your front. It is NOT assumed by couples you are single as a result of some inability and certainly...
by Alasha Bennett | *The Dating Mechanic ~ Alasha Bennett, Columnist, Emotional & Mental Health, Love & Romance, Overcoming Addiction, Relationships, Self-Love, Surviving Divorce
Say AAAHHHH! Entering the dating game can be tricky when you have been absent from it for some time. The rules have definitely changed. Just as technology has evolved so has dating. Some have incorporated tactics of the dating movement into their single lives and...
by Alasha Bennett | *The Dating Mechanic ~ Alasha Bennett, Columnist, Children's Health, Emotional & Mental Health, Family & Parenting, Healing from Grief, Life Lessons, Love & Romance, Relationships, Surviving Divorce
Alasha, My daughter’s mother has an issue with my new lady friend. We do not have set custody and lately any time I want my daughter to spend the night at my home her mom thinks of a reason why my daughter can’t. My daughter and I are very close and it breaks my heart...
by Fawnda Starkes | Faith & God, Gay-Lesbian (LGBT), Government & Politics
Please join Ms. Hicks for a very special guest, Dr. Leonard Lovett, Theologian-Ethicist, Educator and Author, and an expert on relationships and marriage. After President Obama openly declared he is in favor of gay couples having the right to marry, Dr. Lovett wrote a...
by Alasha Bennett | *The Dating Mechanic ~ Alasha Bennett, Columnist, Etiquette, Friendships, Life Lessons, Love & Romance, Relationships, Self-Love, Surviving Divorce
Alasha, I have been seeing a lady who has a child that is fairly young. I don’t have children of my own and am not sure if I ever want any. I think kids are a gift but I love my freedom to get up and go. She’s a real cool lady and I enjoy the time I spend with just...