by Carol Baker | *The Opinionated Bitch ~ Carol Baker, Columnist, People, Relationships
I grew up a in large family with brothers. I also grew up with two parents who peppered their daily speech with colorful expletives. It’s little wonder that the first insult ever thrown at me by my brothers was, to my best recollection, “bitch”. ...
by Bobbie Horowitz | *Say YES to YOU! ~ Bobbie Horowitz, Columnist, Health, Life Lessons, Mind & Body, Self-Love
It seemed as though I was never going to heal from the fall that caused my jaw to fracture on both sides. Then, almost as soon as I allowed myself to give it time to heal and not beat myself up for falling and to accept that my mind wasn’t as clear as it usually is, I...
by Carol Baker | *The Opinionated Bitch ~ Carol Baker, Columnist, Government & Politics, Social Equalities
We live in a time of pain, a time of change, a time of yes, Revolution. No matter what anyone tells you, this is not Democrat vs Republican, Right vs Left, Christian vs Atheist, Straight vs LGBT, guns vs peacenik, legal vs illegal immigrant issue. Those things are...
by Bobbie Horowitz | *Say YES to YOU! ~ Bobbie Horowitz, Columnist
The August 1st Switch was great for me. I loved contemplating the phrases I heard about ages. Oddly enough – or should I say, “As usually happens” I didn’t get what I’d expected. I’ve listed the rest of the one-liners I’d originally planned to send you one at a time...
by Holistically Hattie | *Hot and Healthy with Hattie, Aging & Anti-Aging, Health
Non-Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery All my life I’ve been super active (dancer/movement therapist/healer), and by the time I was in my 70s, my left leg was in such severe pain, I surrendered and had X-rays taken. They revealed I had worn out all the cartilage...