Easter is a time to remember the sacrifices Jesus made for us, but what kind of message do churches want to send? I received a postcard in the mail from a local church, The Rock. It was supposed to be an invitation to this year’s Easter celebration at The Rock, but the front of the postcard was more than disturbing. See below.
Right? What am I supposed to do with this message? I understand that the Easter Bunny has absolutely zip nada on Jesus, but I don’t need to see that kind of image. What if I had children and they saw that with Jesus’s name attached? What if they had a bunny or an animal that had been hit by a car? I personally have had at least two pets lost to me because we lived on a busy road and they liked to escape from the pen we built them. This image does not do anything for the church but send people away.
This is one of the things wrong with “marketing the Gospel.” Some harsh approaches work for some non-believers, but other approaches, softer ones, work best on the group as a whole. If you want to get someone to go to church, you should talk about the great and overwhelming Jesus had/has for them and the sacrifices he made because of that love. If you don’t know the answers, don’t try to make it up, but just admit you don’t know, and tell them that they should ask your pastor/preacher/whoever.
This postcard is not going to get me to go to that church ever. It’s too full-frontal-in-your-face and too similar to Bible-thumping for me to really appreciate the true message: God’s love, his authenticity, and his love for me. If you really want to spread that message, a dead bunny is not the way to do it.