HWT Lifestyles

How to Solve a Rubiks Cube

How to Solve a Rubiks Cube

How to Solve a Rubiks Cube Now the New Year has ushered in year five of the Great Recession, and here we are in the Rubiks Cube Economy.  It is a scrambled mechanical puzzle, a multidimensional maze intriguing to players all over the world, a classic riddle of the...

Organize Your Day

Organize Your Day

Organize Your Day To Organize your Day includes doing certain things that you do instinctively and are just a part of your daily routine.  Part of my daily routine includes being the first person up every day.  Typically, at least 1 hour before anyone else and...

You Can’t Eat the Prada Bag

You Can’t Eat the Prada Bag

You Can’t Eat the Prada Bag Unless the numbers change, a multitude of GenXers will probably be forced to accept a lower standard of living in their retirement than their seven younger decades.   Currently less than half of Gen X has saved $100k to prepare for the...

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