by Carol Baker | *The Opinionated Bitch ~ Carol Baker, Columnist
My visceral response to Missouri Congressman Todd Akin’s ridiculous commentary on Sunday regarding “legitimate rape” and a woman’s ability to secrete something in her body that would prevent pregnancy, was to mock his stupidity and I did plenty of it. A good nights...
by Carol Baker | *The Opinionated Bitch ~ Carol Baker, Columnist
It is doubtful American women could have predicted our country could be consumed with Vaginal Dysmorphic Disorder (VDD, for short) in the year 2012. I’ve spent days scouring the University medical school library and searched the ether for a diagnosis and treatment...
by Carol Baker | *The Opinionated Bitch ~ Carol Baker, Columnist
This has been yet another week of listening to the latest brouhaha from the polarized political factions on the value of a woman, specifically, stay-at-home moms. The bomb went off when Liberal pundit Hilary Rosen stated in an interview that Ann Romney, wife of...
by Carol Baker | *The Opinionated Bitch ~ Carol Baker, Columnist
People tend to seek consistency in their beliefs and perceptions. So what happens when one of our beliefs conflicts with another previously held belief? The term cognitive dissonance is used to describe the feeling of discomfort that results from holding two...
by Lisa Thomas | Government & Politics, Justice & Help
Thank you, Governor Bob McDonnell, for signing House Bill 462 into law on Wednesday. Because the measure was amended multiple times, it first had to undergo two votes from the house and senate of the Virginia General Assembly this session. After signing the...