Children are quick thinkers!

TEACHER:    Maria, go to the map and find North America. MARIA:        Here it  is. TEACHER:   Correct.  Now class, who discovered America ? CLASS:         Maria. ____________________________________ TEACHER:    John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the...
Finding The Perfection in Every Child: #WIMG Welcomed Janine Francolini, Founder of The Flawless Foundation and Dr. J. Stuart Ablon Ph.D, of, last Friday October 7, 2011

Finding The Perfection in Every Child: #WIMG Welcomed Janine Francolini, Founder of The Flawless Foundation and Dr. J. Stuart Ablon Ph.D, of, last Friday October 7, 2011

We are so honored to share with you the amazing show we had on Friday, October 7, 2011, as we welcomed Board Chair and Founder of The Flawless Foundation, Janine Francolini. The Flawless Foundation takes a stand for humane, compassionate care for children and...