by Alasha Bennett | *The Dating Mechanic ~ Alasha Bennett, Columnist, Emotional & Mental Health, Friendships, Mind & Body, Relationships, Self-Love, Sex & Sexuality, Surviving Divorce
Alasha, My boyfriend and I have been dating for six months. The first half of our relationship we barely saw the inside of each other’s apartments, lately that’s all we see. I work a nine to five and his hours vary. When he is off he likes to sit around the house and...
by Alasha Bennett | *The Dating Mechanic ~ Alasha Bennett, Columnist, Love & Romance, Relationships, Surviving Divorce
Realistic Romance – Are these on your list of expectations? Alasha, Lately I have run into an issue with men who have this grocery list of expectations. After a few recent failed attempts in trying to find a partner, I have come to the conclusion that having...
by Alasha Bennett | *The Dating Mechanic ~ Alasha Bennett, Columnist, Love & Romance, Relationships, Surviving Divorce
Are men just walking ATM’s? Dear Alasha, I’ve heard some women jokingly say, “What’s his is mine and what’s mine is mine” Why do women see men as walking ATM’s? I am a single man who works hard for his money and I can’t stand when women ask us not to...
by Alasha Bennett | *The Dating Mechanic ~ Alasha Bennett, Columnist, Love & Romance, Relationships, Surviving Divorce
Have you ever wondered why The Little Engine That Could repeatedly reminded himself during his journey that he could make it? I mean, he had come so far, surely he knew he would reach his destination and accomplish his goal. He had all the ingredients, determination,...
by Gail Forrest | Humor, Love & Romance, People
Uh-oh, I just read the breaking, earth-shattering news on my computer – Kim Kardashian and “what’s his name” are filing for divorce. Shock and awe baby! Their four-day romance had restored my faith in quick and inappropriate couplings. I was...