by Lynn Tolson | Government & Politics
Most of us have Presidential election fatigue, what with contradictory ads, confusing debates, and conflicting positions. I anxiously await the outcome on election day 2012, November 6. Are you registered to vote? Please don’t think your vote does not matter...
by Fae Parker | Family & Parenting, Government & Politics
I did not write this, this is a research paper done by Gina Miller an adult adoptee. But for the record I am also an adult adoptee and I believe we should be allowed to access anything and everything pertaining to how we came into being and our live in general....
by Larry Crouse | Government & Politics
It is time for this nation to go forward to what made us great. The building from with-in. A vision the world once had, of a proud, self reliant and united national society. A nation that looked out for working class, culture building individuals. That embraced...
by Larry Crouse | Government & Politics
The Republican backed Israeli Prime Minister (Prime Idiot) Netanyahu comes out just before the elections and says that the USA must do more than just impose sanctions on Iran. That not going to war with Iran would be worse than letting them build nuclear weapons. Due...
by Bonnie Sludikoff | Government & Politics, Humor, Music
In years of musical theatre training, the best lesson I have learned, relevant to both theatre and life, is “When emotions are too big to speak, you sing.” Like many others, the behavior from the GOP brings up a lot of emotions for me from disgust, to...
by Carol Baker & Vicki Childs | Government & Politics, Justice & Help, Radio
We had another show planned on BROADSIDED this week, but Missouri Congressman and Senate hopeful Todd Akin made some ‘legitimately stupid’ comments about rape that made Ron Paul’s ‘honestly stupid comments about rape earlier this year pale in...