Dating Mommies and Daddies When You Have No Children

Dating Mommies and Daddies When You Have No Children

Dating Mechanic, In the past I have always had a firm rule of not dating men with baby mammas because it carries way too much drama that I just don’t want to deal with but recently I began dating a man who has a six year old. I’m having second thoughts about creating...
How Mom Can Help Make Father Daughter Relationships a Priority

How Mom Can Help Make Father Daughter Relationships a Priority

There are so many women who have not had the opportunity to grow up with their father. Being one of those women I was delighted to share my thoughts at Norfolk State University yesterday as a panelist for their discussion titled, “My Daughter and Her Dad: Strategies...
“You Yell Out a Loud “ME! I’ll Do That!” Do You Know Why You’re Volunteering?”

“You Yell Out a Loud “ME! I’ll Do That!” Do You Know Why You’re Volunteering?”

Are you volunteering to give money or your time or expertise to someone’s project due to fear you’ll hurt feelings? Is it because you’re using it to network for business? Do You Truly Care About The Project or Group? This Is quite similar to last weeks column in the...