Buckingham Palace guard protecting the copy of best seller, The Desolate Garden, to give the Queen. She adores Danny Kemp, one of her loyal subjects who is thrilling all of England with this glamorous thriller.
Danny Kemp was one of my absolute favorite guests. During the March show, which can be heard in the archives, his wife, Patsy is in the background talking constantly… Literally, behind every successful man is a woman. Patsy captivated me and my listeners, and on Friday’s show, I will be talking to Patsy Kemp and what it’s like being the wife of the man who has gone from cab driver to one of England’s most exciting novelists. A summer read all over the British Isles is Danny’s master work, The Desolate Garden.. I understand it is being read by the likes of Jools Holland, and that a copy of it is being circulated through Buckingham Palace. Now that the Queen’s Jubilee is behind her, she may want to curl up and enjoy the thriller that Danny has written… Patsy’s life certainly has changed and I will be talking to Patsy about how she is coping with Danny’s celebrity status. How has it affected Danny? How has it affected Patsy?… She is candid and very funny. I am impatiently waiting for our conversation. Surely one of by best. And I will even let Danny talk… a bit, maybe… but mostly Patsy.
And yes, yes, yes! The second installment of Sheepshead Bay Boulevard is ready… starring me as Max Frank… Susie Sexton as Nora Redmond…and the writer, producer, director, Judy Stadt as Leslie.
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