by Sophie Banat | Health, Life Lessons
With the majority of people complaining that they are always tired because they never get enough sleep, it is easy to forget that people can also sleep too much. For those who oversleep, this can have just as much of an impact on health as a lack of sleep. The amount...
by Jennifer Anderson | Health, Sex & Sexuality
Not only is April national poetry month and a little more odd national pecan month, it’s also national STI awareness month. STI awareness month is a time to remind people of the dangers of unprotected intercourse and to nudge people to get tested if...
by Holistically Hattie | *Hot and Healthy with Hattie, Attitudes on Aging, Sex & Sexuality
Many sexual problems start much earlier than age 40, but after that they just seem to escalate at a rapid clip. This phenomenon is often viewed as a “normal” consequence of aging, and accepted as inevitable. It doesn’t have to be! We’ve been brainwashed by the...
by Holistically Hattie | *Hot and Healthy with Hattie, Diet & Weight Loss, Home & Food
There’s a lot of talk these days about the harmful effects of sugar, and its deleterious effect on our health. Unfortunately, there’s a huge number of people in America who are actually addicted to sugar. Just check out the epidemic of obesity if you need...
by Mary Marcia Brown | Aging & Anti-Aging, Diet & Weight Loss, Health
Michelle was a size five in high school. She weighed one-hundred ten pounds and was quite athletic. In addition to being the head cheerleader of her Southern High Cougars cheerleading squad, Michelle played tennis and volleyball. In her free time, she could often be...