Many sexual problems start much earlier than age 40, but after that they just seem to escalate at a rapid clip. This phenomenon is often viewed as a “normal” consequence of aging, and accepted as inevitable.
It doesn’t have to be!
We’ve been brainwashed by the media to believe that not only does the sex drive diminish with age…but that we will become undesirable, impotent, and even pathetic!
Where does that leave us?
To coin a cliché… up the creek, without a paddle.
As we approach our middle years, usually after menopause, many of us are faced with the fear that our enjoyment of sex will vanish. You may see before you a life of being dried up, and hung out to dry! As you can imagine, this prospect can be devastating.
I invite you to join me in vowing that no way will this happen to you.
And it won’t. It takes determination combined with action to alter your negative mindset. No one wants to slow down, gain weight, become less optimistic and devoid of dreams and goals. But unless you are ready to work for life-long youth and beauty, the very thing you feared can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
To triumph over this challenge it’s important to keep searching for answers, and being resolute and unstoppable. When you passionately desire a life of vitality, beauty and sexuality, and are ready to put forth the energy to go after your dreams, miracles will join you along the way.
And I’ll be there in your corner. At 75, I feel privileged to share my journey with you. I can’t say it won’t be a rocky road, but it pays off in excitement, adventure and joy!
Go for it!
Dear Metal-Yoga: The delay in answering is that I just saw your post when I logged in to answer one that was posted yesterday… sorry. Anyhow sweetie, the answer to your question is that for most people facing the challenges of transformation is not something that turns them on. So what happens? They lead “ordinary” passionless lives. And what;s more, they complain about! It appears that you are one lusty, brave woman, and I champion your spirit. The “trick” is never to allow yourself to back off in fear and diffidence, knowing that valor and humor will take you to great heights. As you share your journey, you’ll empower others, and co-empower yourself in the process. Makes life a great adventure.
May I post this article on my website with proper credit, of course?
You go, girl! Love your sass!
I’m the founder of Hattie is one of our featured bloggers, and yes, you may post Hattie’s article on your site provided you include a hyperlink back to Hattie’s article on Here Women Talk. Something like this would be appropriate:
This article originally posted on
If you’re a blogger, we’d love you to share some of your posts on Here Women Talk, naturally, with links back to your site.
Best wishes.
You are Fierce, Fabulous, Smart & Sexy and I absolutely love your post! I love being 53 and look forward to wild, sexy, hot sex for years to come.
I am trying to get this same message across to all of the Women I meet who are over 50. I started a group for 50+ Women called Fierce & Fabulous After 50. You can find us at the website
Please keep up the great work!
Yes, honey, even young women have been brainwashed by the media to believe that they are undesirable unless they’re built like a skinny model with a 6 pack stomach. That’s why I love my role as an example of a busty, lusty older “babe.” I recommend that you never get upset by this, but to understand that these women (actually, ALL women) have been trained in self-hatred. All guys have to do is lighten it up with fun comments like, “I know you’re over the hill, but that turns me on!” Then, prove it with sexy moves. That’s what I do… I smile and say, “This old hag is hot for you!” Then we laugh, and…..
Great article Hattie…you inspire me!
Glad to inspire you to stay HOT, no matter what. We all are afraid that aging will take it away. It only will if we let it!
This post rocks. \m/
Yes, thank you…. The post rocks… and so will ANYONE who wants to… at every age. The brainwashing around aging is pathetic. A post-sex smile has to make a dent in that, I’m smilin’ … and so are you!
Amen! Every time I hear someone say they’re old I just want to slap them, with a smile of course. I actually heard a 23 year old say she was getting old. Where does it come from, Hattie? Who are these people giving up on living without even having lived? I love your views and what you stand for.
Pleased to see you visited herewomentalk and read my article. It was lovely speaking with you, and I’ll enjoy future projects together. YOu are very vibrant and interesting!