by Colin Lively | Films & TV, Music, Radio
Rock and Roll, Murder, Hair and Woodstock It will be a bittersweet Colin Lively Show this week. Colin will be taking a walk down Memory Lane as his guest on this week’s show takes him down his. Colin Lively, a country boy, was growing up in the shadow the...
by Donna Gore | *LadyJustice ~ Donna Gore, Columnist
This question has bothered me for weeks and in light of the recent death of an HWT member, I have to ask; Why is it so hard to convince others to care about those who go missing and are murdered? Is it because unemployment in the United States is still at...
by Kay Van Hoesen | Domestic Violence, Emotional & Mental Health
RIP Stacie – HWT Member Murdered by Boyfriend Do you know Stacie DeSantis-Dorego from Johnston, Rhode Island? She’s as cute as a button. Tiny (about 5’ tall), dark hair, beautiful skin, Italian descent, former business owner, aspiring writer, 39-year-old loving...
by Carol Baker | *The Opinionated Bitch ~ Carol Baker, Columnist
There is a segment of American society that doesn’t like abortion. Fine. Don’t have one. I don’t mind that you think abortion is against your religion or whatever, but there’s that little Commandment, you know, the one that says ‘Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness...
by Donna Gore | *LadyJustice ~ Donna Gore, Columnist
Crime victims get used to the trials and tribulations that come with the role… They get used to the inconveniences, the disrespect. However, the one arena in which major change can be affected, the arena that is like climbing Mount Everest on a bad weather day, is...