by Valerie Moore | Emotional & Mental Health, Life Lessons, Mind & Body
I’m Tired! Physically tired because I’m mentally drained. Mentally drained because I am emotionally beat down. Plan and simple, I’m warn out! I am so fatigued that at the end of the day my Teeth actually hurt. I honestly can not remember the last...
by Valerie Moore | Emotional & Mental Health, Justice & Help, Life Lessons, Self-Love
Life has been tough for a great many of us these past few years. For some of us even longer. The wrath of the economic downfall discriminates against no race, nationality, gender, nor age group. But as some of us start to pull ourselves up, we cannot forget about...
by Valerie Moore | Emotional & Mental Health, Life Lessons
I am a thinker, an analyzer by nature. Or maybe its a habit. Whatever the reason, Its how I am. In fact its also what I do. I analyze for a living. I don’t often get the opportunity to toot my own horn but, I’m good at it. I’m good at my job. I...
by Valerie Moore | Mind & Body, Paranormal & Self-Discovery, Spirituality, Yoga & Mindfulness
‘The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.’ I have some members of my family that have very, well, eccentric beliefs. At least eccentric according to western society’s standard. During...
by Valerie Moore | Emotional & Mental Health, Love & Romance, Relationships
I admit it! I am not always the best wife I could be, or should be. I can be a bitch! I have never spent as much time in the presence of one person as I have in the past year and a half of marriage. And to be quite honest, I never wanted to. I’m not always the...