French Women Know How to Have Fun

French Women Know How to Have Fun Why can’t they make commercials like this in America? Melissa Nott said, “# 1 Now I know why French women are so fit and happy. # 2 I am immediately moving to France.” Who wants to join Melissa and me? Originally...
12 Days of Christmas: Home

12 Days of Christmas: Home

12 Days of Christmas: Home The last few years, I’ve tried to find a few moments of quiet in the hustle and bustle of the holidays to write a 12 Days of Christmas Blog. I occasionally miss my self-imposed deadline for a daily post, but I’ve found the few...

The Bears, the woods, and toilet paper

The Bears, the woods, and toilet paper I have little doubt that everyone who may venture in here to read this has heard the oft-repeated saying as to what bears “do in the woods”.  If you don’t, I’m not going to carry that line of thought...
Learning to Laugh at Yourself

Learning to Laugh at Yourself

Learning to Laugh at Yourself Laughter comes to me easily, and often. I live with a tremendously funny man who cracks me up daily (without even trying!) with his innate sense of offbeat, well-timed wit. I have friends peppered throughout my social groups whose...