As the new year gets underway, the sense of excitement and anticipation we all felt a few weeks ago remains. It’s not too late to make 2012 a masterpiece – even if those ambitious dreams we envisioned on January 1 now seem a bit more out of reach and the challenge of achieving them seems a bit more daunting.
I know that this is a time for me to get out of my comfort zone and expand my horizons. I realize that the process won’t always be comfortable, but I really believe that it will bring me greater happiness and joy.
As much as I appreciate the support and encouragement of my friends, I know that this will be a solitary journey. We all resist change, even when it’s desired by those we love.
Let your actions speak for themselves as you pursue goals like greater health and nutrition. As you remain focused on your goals, those around you will begin to notice your transformation. It’s time to act differently, if you’re really determined to make your dreams a reality. As Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing something the same way over and over again and hoping for a different result.” This may mean getting up an hour earlier every morning to get to the gym or intentionally steering clear of that favorite restaurant with the mouth-watering dessert selection.
The good news is that your body naturally desires balance and health, and once you start making some simple changes – even if you’re only taking small steps each day — you’ll soon begin noticing the positive results.
At the end of the day – and yes, at the end of the year – if we have managed to stick to our resolutions for change, we can experience the wonderful rewards and that special feeling of accomplishment. This is going to be an amazing and exciting year for all of us!
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Susanne Veder Berger hid her face for more than 50 years. Now, an amazing surgical procedure has allowed this courageous resident of New York City to show her “true face.” Susanne calls it “Getting Naked.” She’s embarking on a new journey and invites you to join her in confronting challenges, “getting real” and stepping into a fresh, more empowered life.