Time for a Check-Up!

Being single is not always easy. In fact it can be downright hard at times. As a single person have you noticed you’re one extreme or the other?  What I mean is either you feel like

The only way to never feel rejected by love again is to stay away from love altogether
You feel like the only way to find true love is to go all in with everything you have

It can be difficult to find a middle ground where you don’t feel discouraged or scared but you also don’t feel out of control emotionally or too intense.

I have identified 5 types of love addicts. Over the next few days I will share them with you and give you some tools to conquer some destructive habits while you create new healthy dating practices.

What type of LOVE ADDICT are you?

Are you a Researcher when it comes to love, or are you just Self Indulgent?  Do you accidentally Overdose or are you completely Dependent on love? Let’s start with….

The Researcher
A frequent experimenter when it comes to love, a Researcher is always in the testing stage of a relationship. They find themselves voluntarily entering into relationships they know have a less than 50% chance of turning into a permanent union.

It is hard for Researchers to find where they fit in with love so they continually enter and leave relationships in search of their next love high. When the relationship starts to level out, the butterflies began to flutter away, and the real relationship work begins they back out.

They have a hard time when it comes to being genuine in love and are unsure of how to express their need for love because they are unclear of what they need, want or require to be fulfilled.

Researchers are constantly feeling others out and asking themselves “is this the one?” They use each relationship as a means of finding out what they like instead of being willing to explore within to understand what gives them joy.

After much debate with themselves Researchers insist there is no one that could ever love them the way they should be loved. That thought leads them on a never ending search for a relationship they want to be able to give them what they are looking for, meanwhile what they are looking for is still unclear to them.

Did you identify with any characteristics of a Researcher?

Here are some tools to take control of this destructive pattern and create some positive dating habits.

1. Stay clear of entering into a relationship until you have successfully screened and tested a potential mate for compatibility.

2. Discover what you need, want, and desire to help you become a happy, healthy successful single before venturing out to create a relationship.

3. Learn how to live authentically by knowing what you want from a relationship and practice it daily by relaying it to others.

Join me tomorrow to explore the characteristics of the Self Indulgent love addict.