by Jane Carroll | Aging & Anti-Aging, Humor
Fifty Shades of Gray Roots Hello…my name is Jane…I’m fifty-eight years old…and…I have…gray hair…I haven’t always been this way…in fact…it was about thirty years ago…that…I noticed the first silvery intruder in my light brown locks… I’d like to say that I am one of...
by Jane Carroll | Aging & Anti-Aging, Humor
Let My Puppies Go Most of us were at least in diapers in the 60’s when women in great numbers started to roar. The night skies were alight with bonfires burning…what else—their bras? But not me. I had waited way too long to sprout enough to need a bra—how could I...
by Jane Carroll | Humor, Old Girls Rule
Hold the Phone It was a sad day…my cordless phone died…it had lived a good life…facilitated some good conversations…never spread gossip…only got lost a few times…which…I must say…is better than me…but…I digress. So…the phone died…and…I did what I had to do…no…I didn’t...
by Jane Carroll | Humor, Life Lessons, Self-Love
Once upon a time…in the faraway land of 1989…I owned a green silk dress…now…it wasn’t just any green silk dress…it was a magic green silk dress…the one that fit like a glove…the one with one big black button showing at the neckline…and a black patent belt at the...
by Jane Carroll | Emotional & Mental Health, Humor, Music
Evidently…some things are unforgivable…or maybe it’s unforgettable…I’m not certain…all I know is it appears I will forever live with the consequences of…a moment’s poor judgment…AKA…The Cowsills…Hair…set as my default radio station… I’m not sure what I was...