((LIVE)) online Wednesday … Walter E. Jacobson, M.D. and board-certified psychiatrist joins Gail and me and shows us how to uncover the roadblocks to happiness, success, and wealth. He specializes in spiritual techniques and cognitive tools for creating abundance in all areas of your life. Dr. Jacobson believes “you can have it all” and the law of attraction does work.
Our guest says that if we have “core” beliefs we are capable of success and the sky’s the limit. What gets in our way? Our subconscious mind working against our conscious efforts … resulting in? Self-Sabotage!
Dr. Jacobson’s techniques include
– Mastery of Life Mentoring Consultations
– Hypnosis
– Past-Life Regression Therapy
Come YAK with Kay Van Hoesen, Here Women Talk founder, Gail Maria Forrest, gonepausal.com blogger, and Dr. Walter Jacobson Wednesday, October 19, 11am EST. Plus Colin Lively joins us for a little CLZ – the Colin Lively Zone.
Editor’s note: If you missed the live show, you can download the archive or listen via iTunes.
Listen online at www.HereWomenTalk.com (Click “Play” button, upper right corner)
October 19, 2011 ~ 11am-12pm EST (8am-9am Pacific)
Chat in ~ Call in 877-500-ZEUS (9387)