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Who am I?

Who am I? It is a question that plagues us all at some point. The answer is simple, you are whoever you are at this moment. If this sounds too simplistic, think about the level of acceptance we give to emotional states of being. “I am stressed!” and in that moment,...

Three Good Novels

I just finished A Good Hard Look (Penguin, 2011) by Ann Napolitano. Perhaps you've heard of it, since there has been a lot of buzz about a book daring to introduce writer Flannery O'Connor as a fictional character. But actually she is not on stage in this novel very...

Science vs. Spirituality

Science vs. Spirituality

Until my first year of college, I had never given much thought to the relationship between science and spirituality. I, like many of you I would guess, had accepted the paradigm I had been given by my foremothers and forefathers without much skepticism—science and...

Poetry as Balm for the Soul

Poetry as Balm for the Soul

I've been dealing with some eldercare problems related to my 92 year-old mother today.  I found myself browsing through my poetry files. I wrote a lot of poetry when I was a teenager, and then again when I was about age 35 - 45, and just every once in awhile since...

A Sense of Belonging

A Sense of Belonging

As humans we are primarily motivated to belong to a group. It elicits a sense of security, identity and promotes survival. In the wild, a herding animal is attacked when it separates from the herd. So the most instinctual behavior is to blend within the herd and mute...

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