Jesus said, “The first in importance is, ‘Listen, Israel: The Lord your God is one; so love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy.’ And here is the second: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ There is no other commandment that ranks with these.” (The Message, Mark 12:29-30)
This greatest commandment is never going to be carried out in your life if you don’t love yourself. It is in having a healthy love for yourself that you will have the capacity and capability to love others and to love God. So many people today do not truly love themselves. They walk around with a burden of condemnation and guilt on their shoulders, products of circumstances or the negative words of others.
How can you tell if you love yourself? If you treat yourself with respect and honor, if you can laugh at your mistakes and move forward, if you take care of your body, mind and spirit, giving good things to you, taking time just to be alone with you and most importantly if you see yourself as the magnificent child of God that you are, then you can safely say, I love me!
Not loving yourself has serious negative consequences to your health, relationships and life in general. The aura around your life will exude self hatred and will make you a moving target for every predator out there. Even if you manage to inherit or accrue wealth it will not bring joy and peace to your life, you will be miserable for most of your days. You will not be able to see the persons who enter your life for the beauty within them, and ultimately you will not know how to love them. God would often be a figure head, some mystic being that we are told to love and serve but no genuine affection or relationship can be entered into with Him.
If you realize today that you do not love yourself that’s a good place to be at, here are a few steps that you could take towards a life of love, joy and peace.
• Acceptance.
Begin by simply accepting who you are. That you are here in the world already says something about you, you’re a winner. Millions of sperm began the journey of life with you in its very inception but only you made it to your mother’s egg. You were destined to be here right now, the earth and all of the people living within are interconnected therefore, you are a valuable element of life and we need you in order to be our best.
Begin by simply accepting who you are. That you are here in the world already says something about you, you’re a winner. Millions of sperm began the journey of life with you in its very inception but only you made it to your mother’s egg. You were destined to be here right now, the earth and all of the people living within are interconnected therefore, you are a valuable element of life and we need you in order to be our best.
• Forgiveness
Forgive yourself and forgive others who have contributed to your low opinion of yourself. This is a primary key towards healing and wholeness. God says that if you ask for forgiveness He stands ready to give it to you and at the same time throw your past into a sea of forgetfulness. You must do the same, having made the decision to forgive, you must forget the past. It served its purpose, it provided what you now need to create a bright future so walk away, turn your back and press forward.
• Environment and allegiances
Most times when we begin on a path towards healing, wholeness and self love we need to change our allegiance to certain places, people and practices. If you stay where you are it may seem to be like swimming against the tide and the extreme effort may lead you to give up. Get up, get out, cut off, move on!
Finally, because this is a blog and not a book, establish a relationship with God, if you already have one I’m almost certain that it is estranged, or lacks intimacy. Be honest with Him tell Him where you’ve found yourself. You might even be angry at God, let Him know that too, He could handle it. He loves you with a love that baffles me every day and His greatest desire is to demonstrate His love to you through an intimate and honest relationship. You may be amazed at how close you get to Him and how soon after you confess all, that it happens. Reality is He’s just waiting for you to come and to want Him to help you to become the person He had in His mind when He began creating the earth.
Be encouraged today and remember that every journey begins with the first step, even if it is a baby step. Love yourself so that you could partake of the joy of loving God with all of your heart, mind and strength.
Loving large and remaining BIG! (Believing In God)