by Kate Reid | Emotional & Mental Health, Surviving Abuse
The Power of Forgiveness – It’s Better for You than Them It is much easier to hold a grudge, get angry, seek revenge, self-medicate or self-harm, than it is to forgive. Whatever hand abuse has tainted our life with, (we don’t get to choose how it is...
by missifrancis | Emotional & Mental Health, Mind & Body
Maternal Miseries – False Expectations of Motherhood and Why They Don’t Matter Motherhood is not always a happy state of affairs. The very fact that this is a controversial statement, liable to provoke a few sucked breaths and raised brows, is one of the...
by Nancy Meryl | *Medium Nancy Meryl, Columnist, Emotional & Mental Health, Life Lessons, Relationships
Never Try Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes! Never try walking in someone else’s shoes. Huge mistake. You don’t know how they will fit. Try and learn compassion even if there are dark clouds overhead. Try and believe what you believe, but have an open...
by Vanessa Codorniu | Emotional & Mental Health, Healing from Grief
8 Ways to Let Go Sometimes when things come to an end, we feel more than slightly lost. When a relationship, friendship or job ends it could seem to crash our world. Our blood, sweat, tears, hopes and often life-long dreams seemed to be shattered. Other times the...
by Bobbie Horowitz | *Say YES to YOU! ~ Bobbie Horowitz, Columnist, Aging & Anti-Aging, Career, Business & Money, Emotional & Mental Health, Feel Good, Life Lessons, Lifestyles, Organizing Your Life, People, Relationships, Self-Love
Allow Yourself Special Online Chat Minutes I’ve mentioned that answering emails in the morning has been found to take up precious needed time from who tend to nurture others before nurturing themselves. That said, there are moments online that can really add to your...
by Nancy Meryl | *Medium Nancy Meryl, Columnist, Emotional & Mental Health, Life Lessons
…once said, it’s a students questions they address not their answers they reply. A wise teacher once said, “We know our students not by their answers but by the questions they ask.” When we were young and in high school, many of us pondered...