HWT Lifestyles



We were approaching the middle of June. Spring was fast turning into summer, yet rather than enjoying the change of seasons, each day that passed seemed to add another layer of panic and anxiety to our hearts. It had been more than five months since my husband and I...



Well, the deed is done. For better or for worse, I've planted the seeds in my Simple Garden for what will hopefully, some day, be parsley, sweet basil, and oregano. I made an unholy mess in the kitchen (who knew those little soil pellets would be so sloppy once they...

Your Desire for Perfectionism … So what?

Your Desire for Perfectionism … So what?

How often do we wait until everything is just so - we've learned all that can be learned... we've got every last detail sorted out, nailed down, set in stone... we've planned, in excruciating detail, precisely how we'll get from A to B to C... before we allow...

Falling Leaves

Falling Leaves

Get over who you were and be who you are   ~ Bertha Yesterday…I noticed a solitary leaf clinging to an otherwise naked tree…not really an earth shattering event…and most likely not unique…mostly likely being duplicated on thousands of other trees…along thousands of...

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